If you are interested in obtaining surplus property for your department please submit a request at the DFA Service Catalog. Use the equipment Management menu and select Surplus Property Acquisition.
Any surplus item is first offered to other UC Merced departments for sale, then to other UC campuses (if the item is valued at $50,000 or above). If there are no “takers,” the items are offered for public sale. Most of our surplus property is auctioned with Public Surplus. You can view our online auctions here.
Please note that persons employed by the originating department and those employed by the UC Merced Purchasing Department are not eligible to purchase surplus items from the university.
For any questions related to surplus property procedures, please submit a request at the DFA Service Catalog. Use the Equipment Management menu and select General Request.
UC Merced students, departments, staff and the general public can purchase surplus items from the Public Surplus website (see restrictions below).
Monthly lists of new surplus items are sent to those who have registered on the Surplus Email List. If you would like to have your name added to this email list, submit a request at the DFA Service Catalog. Use the Equipment Management menu and select general request. Items on the email are not offered to the public, students or employees until they are posted on the Public Surplus website.
Important: Surplus items are usually used, not new, and sold "as is" with no warranty. All sales are final. The Surplus Department does not perform repairs and cannot offer technical advice.
Purchase Restrictions
No one employed in a department that reports to either the Surplus Administrator or the Equipment Administrator, or a near relative of such employee, may buy excess property directly from the university.
No one employed in a department that generates excess property, or a near relative of such employee, may buy excess property originating in that department directly from the university.
Distribution of Funds from Sales of Surplus
Funds generated from sale of excess equipment will be distributed in the following manner:
- ≤ $100 (per item or item lot) 100% of proceeds will be retained for Administrative/Program costs.
- $100 (per item or item lot) The first $100 and 10% of anything over $100 will be retained for Administrative/Program costs. Ninety percent of proceeds over $100 (per item or item lot) will be returned to the custodial department/FAU.
- The distribution of funds will be reviewed annually and adjusted as needed to support the Administrative/Program costs.
Administrative/Program costs include pickup, storage, transportation, disposal fees, advertising, supplies and other costs directly related to the administration of the surplus program.